Healthy Recipes
Healthy Recipes
Healthy Recipes
Low Fat
Low Fat Recipes
Here is a great tool for those of you that want to measure or track the amount of fat, choles-terol, fiber, sodium, pro-tein or carbohydrates in the foods that you are consuming.

This is a directory of basic food values for general items used on a frequent basis.
Only a few processed foods are listed as a basis for a specific type of food. Always refer to the product nutrition labels when in doubt.

We have tried to show portions which are in usual single servings or as they are packaged.
Heart Healthy
New Recipes

Food Statistics

Just click on the letters above to link to the alphabetical directory.

The following nutritional food values are adapted from USDA statistics or the manufacturer's nutritional labels. Listed are nutritional food statistics for
Calories, Fat, Fiber, Protein,Cholesterol, Carbohydrates and Sodium.

Here is the entire listing for the USDA Nutrient Values:

The sight is a very detailed and takes a while to get the information you are looking for.
If you can't find it in our info, you may want to look there.

Because it is so unwieldy to use, we came up with the quick check list on our site.
We hope you find it easier to use.

All Carbohydrates listed are Total Carbohydrates listed in grams. All Fat is listed as
Total Fat in grams. All Fiber is listed as Total Fiber in grams.



Before you begin any exercise or diet program, you should have permission from your doctor.
Contents in this web site are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counsel .

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